Biography and Contributions to Studio Ceramics
“Daniel Rhodes is a highly trained individual who has complete control over the whole ceramic process and depends entirely upon himself for the establishment of style and meaning. He is a unique studio-ceramist in that through his work with clay, his writing and his teaching, he has accomplished many things that place him in a central position of leadership in the field of studio-ceramics. He brought new dignity and respect to ceramic sculpture as a valid and significant art form. Because of his sound knowledge of clay, the ceramic process and it’s technical aspects, Daniel Rhodes has been able to bring through his writings an understanding of materials and processes to individuals throughout the world who are interested in clay as a vehicle for artistic expression.
Daniel Rhodes in his life and work represents and documents the evolution of the contemporary American ceramic movement and is considered a central figure in any serious consideration of contemporary expression in the medium of clay.
Often in his work we see the exploration of a new idea and the development of innovations involving new technical possibilities for the expression of an idea in clay. He produces forms that are original and innovative and are considered classic examples of ceramic expression for the period in which he lived and worked. Daniel Rhodes became a spokesman for contemporary American studio-ceramics through his writings, lecturing, and participation as a juror in many national, regional and international ceramic exhibits. There is not an art library, a ceramic laboratory, or the studio of studio-ceramist that does not contain his writing. He contributed significantly to ceramic writing in the 20th century and he set a standard for all publications to follow. He also made an impact on the field of studio ceramics through his work as a teacher. His graduates from Alfred University and elsewhere are now working and teaching in every section of this country and some are the leading studio-ceramists of today.”
– Harold Traux, 1935 -1996, Professor Emeritus; Associate Dean, Museum Director,
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Exhibitions/Permanent Collections
Museum of Modern Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Contemporary Crafts, Smithsonian Institution, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred University, Victoria and Albert Museum, The Museum of Modern Art Kyoto. The National Council on Education in Ceramic Art awarded Rhodes a prestigious Medal of Citation, 1973.